E-graphs as Circuits, and Optimal Extraction via Treewidth

Glenn Sun

Joint work with Yihong Zhang and Haobin Ni

University of Washington


EGRAPHS November Community Meeting


Our main contribution is an equivalence:

e-graphs $\leftrightarrow$ (cyclic) monotone circuits

This allows us to:

  • Apply [KTX17] to efficiently solve extraction, parameterized by treewidth.
  • More easily simplify e-graphs, which significantly reduces treewidth.

The algorithm is very similar to [GLP24].

[KTX17] Iyad Kanj, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, and Ge Xia. On the parameterized complexity of monotone and antimonotone weighted circuit satisfiability.
[GLP24] Amir Kafshdar Goharshady, Chun Kit Lam, and Lionel Parreaux. Fast and Optimal Extraction for Sparse Equality Graphs.

Monotone circuits

A monotone circuit is a circuit with only AND and OR gates.

e-node $\leftrightarrow$ all children true $\leftrightarrow$ AND

e-class $\leftrightarrow$ at least one child true $\leftrightarrow$ OR


What about cycles?

$x$ old output new output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

But e-graphs researchers never have to think about this. Why not?

What about cycles?

$x$ old output new output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

But e-graphs researchers never have to think about this. Why not?

What about cycles?

$x$ old output new output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

But e-graphs researchers never have to think about this. Why not?

  • To find the minimum cost extraction, only need to consider minimal solutions.
  • For this particular circuit construction, every choice of minimally satisfying inputs (what to extract) has a unique way to set the rest of the circuit.

Converting to circuits

To convert an e-graph $G$ to a circuit $C$:

  • Replace every e-class with an OR gate.
  • Replace every e-node with an AND gate and a variable connected to it.

Observation. After this conversion from e-graph to circuit, there is a bijection

minimal extractions of $G$ $\leftrightarrow$ minimal satisfying solutions of $C$.

This bijection preserves acyclicity.

(acyclic: extraction has no self-dependencies, circuit evaluation has no 1-cycles)

$\implies$ Extraction is equivalent to weighted monotone circuit SAT!

Minimum weight monotone circuit SAT

[KTX17] already solved this, albeit stated only for circuits that do not have cycles.

Proposition 4.7 in [KTX17]. Let $C$ be a monotone circuit (with no cycles) and $G$ be the underlying undirected graph with $n$ nodes. If a tree decomposition for $G$ and treewidth $k$ is given, then a minimum weight satsifying assignment of $C$ can be computed in time $2^{O(k)}\text{poly}(n, k)$.

The algorithm works unchanged for circuits with cycles, if we allow cyclic extraction!

  • Intuition: The undirected graph $G$ already "forgot" whether $C$ is a DAG.

For acyclic extraction, can maintain the transitive closure of the subgraph of 1-edges to make sure no 1-cycles are formed, achieving $2^{O(k^2)}\text{poly}(n, k)$.


Circuit simplification

E-graph simplification before extraction has been used with ILP (i.e. see https://github.com/egraphs-good/extraction-gym/pull/16)

With circuits, we can leverage existing circuit minimization tools that support sequential circuits*.

  • These preserve the whole $\{\text{input}\} \times \{\text{old state}\} \to \{\text{new state}\}$ table.
  • Takes care of simplifications like the previous slide.

But we only care about minimal satisfying solutions, sometimes acyclic.

  • Can write additional specialized rules to take advantage of this!
* Need to restrict to the procedures that preserve monotonicity.

Custom simplification rules

Because we are only interested in minimal extractions:


Custom simplification rules

If we are only interested in acyclic extractions:





Custom simplification rules

If we are only interested in acyclic extractions:


delete this gate and all out-neighbors that are AND gates recursively

Custom simplification rules

If we are only interested in acyclic extractions:


Simplification results

We applied several ad-hoc rules like this to a test set of e-graphs used with egg. Depending on which applications the e-graphs came from, we observed:

  • Up to 65% reduction in treewidth.
  • 42-97% reduction in $|V|$.
  • 57-96% reduction in $|E|$.

A more systematic approach might improve this further.

Open directions

  • Can the treewidth-based extraction algorithm be adapted to support more general cost functions?
    • Cost of an e-node is often written as a function of the cost of children.
    • Current algorithm (both [GLP24] and us) has no way to deal with the cost of a yet-unknown child.
  • How much simplification can you achieve if you actually adapted modern circuit simplification software that is used in practice?
  • Can we find more applications of the connection between e-graphs and circuits?

Thank you!